Freelancer, Developer, and Unix/Linux System Administrator (devOps). Problem-solving and process improvement mentality, Automation zealot. Good IT knowledge.
Open to code developement, DevOps, web-scraping & automation proposals.
Began computer science as a self learner back in early 2000's, after doing game programming when I was a teenager.
Worked as a Linux system administrator for several years, then graduated from CNAM Paris university in 2011: Professional Bachelor's Degree (Bac+3) in IT, development... (licence professionnelle ACSID: Analyse et Conception des Systèmes d'Information et de Décision).
Been using GNU/Linux on a daily basis for the past 23 years and I am quite fluent in using GNU tools, as well as text/Regex/HTML/XML/JSON/YAML/TOML/data processing/web scraping (with pptr and NodeJS) or Python and selenium/requests/lxml, Javascript, XPath, Bash, Perl, Python, Awk, VMware automation, Vagrant, Docker and still learning devOps tools (Packer, Terraform, AWS)...
Developed web scraping programs with Javascript, Python, Perl, shell since > 18 years.
Solved some tricky web scraping problems: captchas (OCR), bank virtual keyboards, Javascript based web sites. Intensive use of XPath.
Fan of functional programming and chained methods in JS/Perl/Ruby/Python.
Believe that clear and efficient code is always better. (Re)think my work everyday to ship the most clean/reliable/efficient/maintainable code as possible.
Also a free* aficionado in all forms. Engaged in free software in different ways/projects/contributions.